At Pertemps,
The average salary for:

Machine Operative
for a Permanent role is

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A Machine Operative is a skilled professional responsible for operating and maintaining various types of machinery in a manufacturing or production environment. This role involves setting up machines, monitoring production processes, ensuring the quality of finished products, and performing routine maintenance. Machine Operatives play a crucial role in contributing to the efficiency and productivity of the manufacturing process.


There are no formal academic entry requirements. Training is typically received on-the-job. NVQs/SVQs in Mechanical Manufacturing Engineering are available.


  • Operate assigned machines, such as lathes, milling machines, grinders, or CNC machines, to perform specific tasks in the manufacturing process..
  • Set up and adjust machine settings based on job requirements..
  • Load raw materials into machines and unload finished products..
  • Ensure proper alignment and positioning of materials in the machine..
  • Inspect finished products for quality, accuracy, and adherence to specifications..
  • Identify and address any defects or issues in the production process..
  • Install and secure cutting tools, drills, or other tooling required for machine operations..
  • Ensure that tooling is in good condition and meets quality standards..
  • Perform routine maintenance on machines to ensure optimal performance..
  • Lubricate, clean, and replace parts as needed..
  • Implement and adhere to safety protocols and procedures in the operation of machines..
  • Use personal protective equipment and follow safe working practices..
  • Work towards achieving production targets by optimizing machine performance..
  • Collaborate with team members to meet production goals..
  • Maintain accurate records of production activities, machine settings, and quality control checks..
  • Complete required documentation for compliance and reporting..
  • Monitor material levels and coordinate with material handlers to ensure an adequate supply for production..
  • Report any shortages or discrepancies in material inventory..
  • Perform tool changes when transitioning between different manufacturing operations..
  • Ensure that the correct tools are installed for each production run..
  • Communicate effectively with other machine operatives, supervisors, and support personnel..
  • Report any abnormalities, malfunctions, or quality concerns promptly..
  • Participate in ongoing training programs to stay updated on new technologies and machining techniques..
  • Provide guidance and training to less experienced machine operatives..
  • Identify opportunities for process improvement in machine operations..
  • Contribute to initiatives to enhance overall efficiency and product quality..

Salaries from this search have been calculated using current and historical roles, which have been advertised with Pertemps in the last 2 years. Data is updated in real time as jobs are posted, and the search results calculate averages of all job posts that fit the role category.

Salary comparison results are intended as a rough guide only. Actual salaries may vary based on qualifications, experience, location and company type. Salary figures do not include bonuses or benefits.

We do not collect your salary information, this is only used for the page to provide you with enhanced information. Weekly pay is calculated by dividing the annual salary by 48 working weeks.

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